
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

where did it go....?

it seems so strange....i turned around and they were gone!! where did our lovely carefree summer days retreat to?  in my opinion, labor day doesn't qualify as a summertime holiday. and it is certainly not one to look forward to-- it is more so one to dread as it symbolizes not only the end of our summery days that beckon the question; where should we go and what will we do today? but it also symbolizes the beginning of school which is good on many levels but does sort of creep up and smack us on the side of the head with the reality that we are back to early days and to one ever-loathed detail ... schedules.

so as sure as the content and frequency of posts to this blog will ebb, my thought processes and perspective about this area and the topic of finding interesting and relevent and affordable things to locally with my children will forever flow...
thanks for reading and enjoy your place, wherever that may be.

"so if you see your neighbor carrying something
help him with his load
and don't go mistaking paradise
for that home across the road."